As painful as it is; it wasn't personal..

As painful as it is; it wasn't personal..


You aren't to blame for what they said and did, no matter how you cut it you are only responsible for your behavior.

​Most likely it isn't personal at all, they are just not strong enough to overcome their own traumas.

In my opinion, most if not all narcissistic people are that way because they weren't strong enough to mentally overcome their hardships in life and in early childhood; unlike sociopaths and psychopaths that are more than likely born that way.

When you can separate yourself from the trauma you can really start to look at it and see that everything was motivated to sustain their false image. It only becomes personal when we figure them out and fight back.

When you can accept that they would have done it to anyone, not just you, it becomes easier to let go of the pain.

When you can let that go, you can replace it with gratitude which will change everything about you!

We must feel our feelings but make sure you are separating yourself from them.

In the same way you separate the trauma by saying this Happened to me but it Isn't me; you say I Feel pain but I'm Not pain.

You are whole all on your own so when you separate these thing from the outside world you can start to navigate life instead of bouncing from one trauma to the next.

Instead of "acting out" everything you come across, separate yourself and look at it, ask yourself some questions..

▪ Will this benefit my goals?

▪ Do I have the energy for this?

▪ Do I want to spend the energy on this?

▪ What should I expect this to lead to?

▪ Is this aligned with who I am as a person?

By the answers to those 👆 you can figure out if it's something you should or shouldn't do.

I know this world is fast paced but slowing it down is going to maintain your peace!

I also know this world takes everything personally but it shouldn't and you don't have to!


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