Is there Really a Ring of Pedophiles around us?
Just like with most controversial topics, I’m not here to tell you what to believe. I’m only here to pass along info so you can be your own critical thinker. In today's world we need this more than you might know.. Let’s start with what conspiracy means. Con spir a cy Noun A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. Whether you use theorist or realist is really a personal choice. I don't care for theorist because it makes people think of individuals whom are unhinged and not all there mentally. They often use it as a term to quickly discredit any, even those saying they just need more information. In my eyes there is a huge issue with not having access to information. If you are not hiding anything then I should be able to ask, poke around and find the truth for myself. Often when you have secrets though, you can't have people poking around and asking questions. Questioning everything is one of my most annoying qualities...