
Is there Really a Ring of Pedophiles around us?

Just like with most controversial topics, I’m not here to tell you what to believe. I’m only here to pass along info so you can be your own critical thinker. In today's world we need this more than you might know..  Let’s start with what conspiracy means.  Con spir a cy      Noun A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. Whether you use theorist or realist is really a personal choice. I don't care for theorist because it makes people think of individuals whom are unhinged and not all there mentally. They often use it as a term to quickly discredit any, even those saying they just need more information.  In my eyes there is a huge issue with not having access to information. If you are not hiding anything then I should be able to ask, poke around and find the truth for myself. Often when you have secrets though, you can't have people poking around and asking questions.  Questioning everything is one of my most annoying qualities...

The Fight of My Life

The Fight of My Life Written - 12/9/2018 The trauma that dropped me to my knees and changed life as I knew it completely. I don't know I'll go through every detail of every part of the trauma just because I don't know it's necessary. If there is something that you want me to expand on or explain further please just leave me a comment and I will either create a new post or add in that section for you. To fully understand what happened, I guess it would make more sense for me to start from when I met my husband that way you see the whole picture. So here goes... I found myself in one of the hardest times of my life in September, October, and November of 2013. I called Cass homeless shelter my home. That is where I met Josh, my husband. We possessed nothing but ourselves. From the moment I encountered him, I felt safe but completely different. He never handled me like a piece of meat or the conquest he was trying to conquer. He consistently attended to me like a human bein...

To mask or not to mask, that is the question!

I don’t have a medical degree or a nursing degree but I can do research and I can use critical thinking skills..  I’m not here to tell you to use a mask or not to.  I don’t think anyone should do that because no matter what we think currently and no matter what you’ve been told, nobody can guarantee your safety. We each much protect ourselves and protect our family the best we can with the info we have at any given moment. We will surely be learning new info as the year continues and things will change again. Everything changes and that’s the best part about life. Since I’m not here to tell you what to do, I will give you some information so you can use Your critical thinking skills.  Each of us has a different perception but together we can see the whole picture. If you agree, let me know and if you don't please tell me why!  I’m always up for learning but I’ll never debate with someone whom resorts to name calling or bashing.  Here we go.. Study done in 2015 “...

Boundaries & Protecting Your Peace

Boundaries & Protecting Your Peace 7/08/2019 Boundaries are something I don't have a bunch of experience with. I'm the girl that allowed anyone to say and do anything no matter if it was healthy for me. I was more concerned with keeping people in my life than I was to stand up and say "this just isn't healthy for me". I knew if I set that line in the sand most would walk away and I'd be alone. Alone is not something I was ok with in the past, I didn't think I was worth anything unless there were people around me. As I level up through life, much like a video game, I'm faced with the task of holding boundaries to keep me healthy. This means saying goodbye to those who can't honor my boundaries. Those that truly respect you won't have a problem with your boundaries but those who are simply feeding on your energy will try to turn it around. Giving excuses as to why their behavior is ok and should be accepted. They'll try to guilt you out o...

As painful as it is; it wasn't personal..

As painful as it is; it wasn't personal.. 9/06/2019 You aren't to blame for what they said and did, no matter how you cut it you are only responsible for your behavior. ​Most likely it isn't personal at all, they are just not strong enough to overcome their own traumas. In my opinion, most if not all narcissistic people are that way because they weren't strong enough to mentally overcome their hardships in life and in early childhood; unlike sociopaths and psychopaths that are more than likely born that way. When you can separate yourself from the trauma you can really start to look at it and see that everything was motivated to sustain their false image. It only becomes personal when we figure them out and fight back. When you can accept that they would have done it to anyone, not just you, it becomes easier to let go of the pain. When you can let that go, you can replace it with gratitude which will change everything about you! We must feel our feelings but make sure ...

No, how about why Not me?

No, how about why Not me? 9/12/209 Why me? Why can't I seem to catch a break somewhere? ​What in the entire bunch of ff's? No, how about why Not me? How about, Please make me a strong WARRIOR? It's easy to look at things and think "why me" but what good does that do? Does it make you feel better? Hell no it doesn't, it drags you down deeper… Everyone wants to be the best at what they do, they want to be at least seen as strong. Well don't strive for looks! Look your troubles in the eye and say proudly "Thank you for helping me get stronger!" Most things are not good or bad, our perception turns things into a negative or positive. For example: a lost job due to an accident, that can be seen by most people as a negative for a lot of logical reasons. However, I didn't see it that way. I saw us, our family, getting more time together! You ultimately get to decide how you are going to feel about everything. Unlike logic, feelings aren't alread...

Draw the Line; Practicing Self-Care through Boundaries

Draw the Line; Practicing Self-Care through Boundaries 3/02/2020 Getting healthy is such a simple thing at its core yet complex in action. The core is truly loving yourself but the complexities of getting there can be daunting… Every young person should learn how to love themselves before trying to love another, before trying to conquer this world and before trying to help others. Boundaries are a huge part of loving yourself. Boundaries are how you show yourself respect. We should have boundaries for ourselves and boundaries for others. Often they overlap in areas. For example, a boundary I have for myself is zero negative self-talk. If I'm not going to let myself talk negatively to me why would I allow others to do it? So they overlap, Nobody talks negatively. I was horrible at boundaries because I didn't have any idea what they were or how to use them. I hurt a lot of people because I crossed their boundaries and I got hurt a lot because people constantly crossed mine. Witho...