No, how about why Not me?
No, how about why Not me?
Why me? Why can't I seem to catch a break somewhere?
What in the entire bunch of ff's?
No, how about why Not me?
How about, Please make me a strong WARRIOR?
It's easy to look at things and think "why me" but what good does that do?
Does it make you feel better? Hell no it doesn't, it drags you down deeper…
Everyone wants to be the best at what they do, they want to be at least seen as strong.
Well don't strive for looks! Look your troubles in the eye and say proudly "Thank you for helping me get stronger!"
Most things are not good or bad, our perception turns things into a negative or positive.
For example: a lost job due to an accident, that can be seen by most people as a negative for a lot of logical reasons. However, I didn't see it that way. I saw us, our family, getting more time together!
You ultimately get to decide how you are going to feel about everything. Unlike logic, feelings aren't already decided.
Feelings aren't logical but if we stop we can look at them like that. We can separate the feelings or situation and look at it, we can see if there is reason to have a given feeling. We can also find the good side or possibly a way to soften the hit.
You have the choice, you get to decide.
Don't let the world decide that for you..
You get to feel happy about surviving the impossible instead of angry you went through it.
You get to feel happy you no longer have a toxic partner instead of torn up it ended.
You get to feel hopefully at all the new opportunities that await instead of guilty for not knowing what you know now.
You are not stuck, you can change your mind and change the game anytime!
Reach out if you need help!
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